Key Performance Indicators

What are Key Performance Indicators?

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) measure the success of GP Practices in respect to specific factors. They assess how well we are monitoring various groups within our practice community. Please see below for the KPIs that we are aiming to meet this year.


Screen eligible adults for alcohol consumption and give advice or refer where necessary.

Practice Opening Hours

Practice is open at least 52.5 hours per week, and able to take calls over lunch time.

Clinical Availability

Clinical appointments available total at least 16.5 hours per 1000 patients per week.

Patient Participation Group

Involve the Patient Participation Group in service redesign and in discussions with the practice about the development and selection of KPIs. Practice to publish its KPIs in surgery waiting room and on practice website and to engage the PPG in monitoring its KPI achievement.


The practice offers the choice of phlebotomy facilities to any patient that can have blood taken in a community setting.

Learning Disabilities

Ensure patients on the learning disabilities register are given a consultation with a clinician for an annual health needs assessment.

Looked After Children

Establish a register of children in care and ensure an annual health check is offered and delivered.

Diabetes Testing

Screen patients in at risk groups for diabetes on an annual basis with a fasting blood glucose test with one or more of the following criteria: Patients with obesity, IHD, CVA, hypertension or a 10yr CVD risk of more than 20%.

Diabetes Care in Pregnancy

All diabetics of child bearing age to be offered annual education about pregnancy if appropriate.

Diabetes Control in Primary Care 1 

Type 2 diabetics on insulin to be seen inhouse for their diabetic control unless other complications mean hospital management is indicated.  

Diabetic Control in Primary Care 2

Type 1 diabetics who do not wish to go to hospital are offered an appointment twice yearly for a diabetic review.

Identification of Mental Health Patients Requiring Psychotropic Depot Injections

Identify patients on mental health register who require psychotropic depot injections and keep track of compliance.

Identification of Mental Health Patients Requiring Psychotropic Depot Injections

To identify patient on menatl health register who require psychotopic depot injections. Audit and update.

Child Protection Identification and Monitoring in Primary Care

Identify patients on the child protection register at every opportunity when interact with primary care and discuss with attached Health Visitor.


To offer healthchecks to the eligible population.

Hepatitis B & C Screening

Adults injecting or former injecting drug users to be offered screening for blood borne virus.

Hepatitis B Vaccination

Adults injecting or former injecting drug users offered vaccination for Hepatitis B.